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The index is a useful tool for organizing the photos in the online catalogue by singling out the photographers/studios which were active in Romania. The indexing process takes into account the variety of the versions of photographers’ names and their respective cities, as they are noted on the prints. The list will be gradually expanded and subjected to continuous adjustments, according to the pace of the scanning and indexing activities. For these reasons, errors that may appear will be dealt with along the way.


"Hygiene" Cooperative Photographers Division - Constanța

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A.R.C. Foto Reportaj - București

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A.T.P.R Asociația de Turism și Sport România Pitorească

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Acsinte Costică C. - Slobozia-Ialomița

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Acsinte Foto - Slobozia

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Adler - Brașov

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Adler - Kronstadt

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Adler - Tușnad

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Adler Alfred - Bistrița

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Adler Alfred - Tusnádfürdö-Szászváros

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Adler Gebrüder

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Adler L. - Kronstadt

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Adler Leopold - Brașov

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Adler Leopold - Kronstadt

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Adler Lipót - Brassóban

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Adler Moritz - Prag

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Adler Oscar - Brașov

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Adler es Fia - Brassó

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Adéle - Bacău

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Alexandrina - Bucarest

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Alscher - Orsova

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Amatorul Fotograf - București

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Amatorul Fotograf Magazin - București

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Ambre I. - Bacău

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Angelo - Brașov

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Angelo - Oradea

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Angerer Ludwig

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Angermann J. - Brăila

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Anton B.

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Antoniu Al.

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Apostol Gh. I. - Măgureni, Prahova

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Aritionova M. F. - Chișinău

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Aron M. - Berlad

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Arta Fotografică - Iași

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Asociația Fotografilor în Grădina Publică

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Aspasia - Ploești

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Aspasia Institut Fotografic bucovinean - Ploești

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Atelier Apollo

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Atelier Aurelia - Brăila

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Atelier Dlujanski

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Atelier Fanchette - Jassy

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Atelier Fanchette - Jassy, Slănic

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Atelier Fotografic Aurelia - Brăila

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Atelier Fotografie - Kronstadt

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Atelier High Life

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Atelier High-Life

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Atelier Hyg-Liffe

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Atelier Parisiana - Rîmnicu-Sărat

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Atelier Photografique - Crajova

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Athen B. - Bucuresci

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Athen B. - Bucuresti

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Athen B. M. - Bucuresci

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Auerbach Miksa - Aradon

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Auerlich Wilhelm - Hermannstadt

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Avakian Gr.

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Axinte Costică

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Axinte Foto - Slobozia

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”Foto Arta” Blaj

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„Elisabeta” Foto - Oradea

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„Foto Regal” Constantinovici Maria - Brașov

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„Imperial” Foro Laboratorium - Satu-Mare

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„Mihail Ioan” Foto Sezon - Techirghiol

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Bach Arthur - Alba Iulia

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Bach Carl

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Bach Carl - Karlsburg

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Baer B. - Bukarest

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Baer M. B. - Bukarest

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Bahn Karl - Crajova

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Balușescu Ion Gr.

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Barasch Carol - București

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Baraschy - București

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Barber - Jassy

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Barta Ștefan Studio Foto - București

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Bauh Aurel - București

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Baumer Maurycy - Zaleszcyki

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Beldowicz W. - Czernowitz

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Beldowicz Wil. - Czernowitz

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Bella Natalia - Brăila

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Bendetsohn M. - Galatz

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Beneraf Edid - Chilia Nouă

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Beneraf Edid M. - Chilia Nouă

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Berecky Karoly - Arad

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Berman Iosif

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Berman Iosif - Bucharest

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Berman Iosif - București

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Berman Iosif attributed - Bucharest

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Berman Iosif attributed - București

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Beránek I. - Temesvár

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Bethier W. - Crajova

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Bethier Wilhelm - Crajova

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Betti - Abazzia

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Bielig Jean - Botoșani

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Bielig Jean - Bottoșan

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Bielig Jean - Bottuschany

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Bielig Jean - Bottușany

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Bielig Johann - Bottușan

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Bielig Johann - Bottușany

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Bielig Otto - Galatz

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Bilinski M.

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Bilinski M. Fotocopie - București

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Bilinski M. succ. Fotocopie - București

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Bilopolos C. P. - Bucureșci

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Bisenius M. - Jassy

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Blumenfeld [Adolphe] - Piatra-N.

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Blösz Károly - Brassoban

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Bodor Fotosalon - Gherla

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Boescu Al.

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Boescu Alec - Jassi

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Boga Albert - Caracal

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Boga Albert - Marosvásárhely

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Bonciu Mihai T. amator

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Boray Ömer Feyzi - Ada-Kaleh

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Bornáth Ilonka - Cluj

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Botfan M. - Fehértemplom

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Brand A. - Sinaia-Ploesci

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Brand A. Succesor - Ploeșci

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Brand A. Succesor - Ploești

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Brand Alfred - Ploiești

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Brand Alfred - Sinaia

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Brand Alfred - Sinaia-Ploesci

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Brand Bernhard

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Brand Bernhard - Jassi

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Brand Bernhard - Jassy

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Brand F. A. - Ploești

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Brand F. A. - Ploiești

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Brand Friderich - Ploești

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Brand Friderich succesorul lui Brand A. - Ploesci

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Braun Marcel

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Braunstein Willy - Piatra N.

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Braunștein Willy

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Brüll Salo - Cernăuți

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Bucovsky Ed.

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Bucovsky Ed. & Co.

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Butter J. - Craiova

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Buzdugan N.

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Buzdugan N. & Fiul - București

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Buzdugan N. - București

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Buzdugan N. et Fiul - București

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Buzdugan N. și Fiul - București

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Buzoianu Leonid Paul

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Béla Natalia - Brăila

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Bömches Carl - Buzeu

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Bömches Carl - Kronstadt

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Bömches Carl - Ploiesti și Buséu

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Bömches Carl - Ploiesti și Buzeu

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Bönig Otto - Calafat

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Foto Bach

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Foto Baraghin - Câmpulung-Muscel

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Foto Berecky

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Atelier Camilla - Hermannstadt

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Caligian St. - Tecuci

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Carmen Sylva - București

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Cartea Românească

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Cavallar Cecilia - Câmpulung

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Cazzavillan L.

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Ceanoglu N.

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Ceanovici Photos - Craiova

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Centrul de Instrucție al Geniului

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Chaland & Comp. - Jassy

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Chaland & Kohn - Jassy

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Chaland & Paltour

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Chaland & Paltour - Craiova

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Chaland - Caracal

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Chaland - Jassy

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Chaland - Jassy, Varatic

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Chaland Institut de Foto-Arte - Caracal

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Chessler Gh. - Iași

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Chevallier A. - Piatra Neamț

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Chevallier A. A. - Piatra Neamț

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Chevallier Ad. A. - Piatra Neamț

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Chevallier S. - Piatra-Neamț

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Chiriacopol Em. N.

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Chițulescu Ilie

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Chrzanowski J. - Suczawa

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Chrzanowski J. - Suczawa, Dorna Watra

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Ciehulsky P. - Maros-Vásárhely

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Ciple Victor Studio

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Cleaciman Brothers - Tighina

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Coller J. & Medl. - Craiova and T. Severinu

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Color Studio - București

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Constantinescu M. - București

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Constantinescu T. - Photographer Reporter - București

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Constantinescu T.-Photographer Reporter - București

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Constantinescu Titi - Photographer Reporter - București

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Constantinescu Titi-Photographer Reporter - București

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Constantinovici Maria - Brașov

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Cooperativa M. Colectiva

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Cosmofot - București

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Costescu Emilian - București

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Cotețchi J. Photographer - Berlad

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Cristea N. & C. Brothers - București

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Cristea T. - București

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Csejdy Lajos - Gyulafehérvár

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Csizhegyi S. - Kolozsvár

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Cubian M. I. - București

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Cuculis G. A. - Tulcea

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Czajkowski S. O. - București

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Czaykowski A. - Jassy

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Czollak Lazăr - Jassy

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Foto Carabet - Ungheni

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Foto Cloos - Sebeș - Alba

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Foto Cogan L. - Bălți

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Foto Czako M. - Radna

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Foto-Chevallier - București

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Foto-Chevallier - Piatra Neamț

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c. 1895-1905

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Daniel P. - Piatra

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Daniel P. - Piatra N.

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Daniel P. Atelier Photographique - Piatra

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Daniel P. Atelier Photographique - Piatra N.

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Deiner Joh. - Jassy

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Demetrescu D.

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Deputat N. - Leova

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Diel C. - Craiova

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Dimitrianoff P.

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Ditgartz A.,Fotografia Centrală - Piatra N.

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Dobrescu Gh.

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Dode St.

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Dode St. G.

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Dollas Em.

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Duboka M.N. Reportaje Fotografice - București

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Dudinksy Foto - Craiova

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Dudinksy M. K.

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Dudinksy M. K. - Craiova

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Dumitrescu N.

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Dumitrescu V.

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Dumitru C.

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Dunky Fiverék - Kolosvárt

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Duratzo Hr.

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Duratzo Hr. - Bucuresti

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Duschek F. - Bucuresci

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Duschek F. - Bukarest

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Duschek Franz - Bucuresci

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Duschek Franz - Bucurest

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Duschek Franz Photographer of the Court J. Selle to Prince Carol I - Bucuresci

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Duschek Victor H.

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Duță G.

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Dâdărlat Ioan - Seliște

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Décsey Eduard - Kronstadt

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Ede Walter - Toplița

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Edelstein A. Photographe ambulant

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Eder Josef - Jassi

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Editura Fotografia Artistică - Craiova

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Efbeck Jos - București

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Enciclopedia Fotografică Română

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Engel Andrei

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Engels B[erta] - Bucuresci

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Enăceanu Al. ing.

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Erlich H. - Cernăuți

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FOTO-LUVRU - Bucharest

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Fanchette - Jassy

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Fanchette - Jassy, Slănic

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Fläschner Fotograf - Jassy

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Fläschner L. - Jassy

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Fläschner L. Smiatoniomski Fotograf - Jassy

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Foto - București

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Foto - Iași

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Foto - Spendid - București

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Foto Adele - Bacău

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Foto Arte - Craiova

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Foto Bomono

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Foto Carmen - Brașov

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Foto Carmen-Sylva - București

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Foto Dabija - Slănic Pr.

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Foto Dako - Bălți

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Foto Daniel -R. Sărat

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Foto Ditgartz-Secția Amator - Piatra N.

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Foto Dobrescu - Breaza

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Foto Glob

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Foto Glob - Piatra N.

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Foto Horvath - Turda

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Foto Ignat

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Foto Marina

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Foto Nowak

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Foto Olănești H. Herberg? - Băile Olănești

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Foto Paris - Brăila

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Foto Press

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Foto Regal

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Foto Regal - Căciulata

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Foto Regal - R. Vâlcea

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Foto Royal - București

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Foto Royal - Caracal

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Foto Studio - Timișoara

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Foto Studio Hansa - R.-Sărat

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Foto Studio „City” - București

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Foto Tehnica - Bucharest

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Foto ”Constantinopol”

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Foto-Bavaria - București

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Foto-Julietta - Turnu Măgurele

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Foto-Luvru - Iași

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Foto-Lux - Brăila

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Foto-Mica - București

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Foto-Pax - București

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Foto-Pax - Govora

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Foto-Splendid - București

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Foto-Splendid - Slobozia-Ialomița

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Foto-Șic - București

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Fotoglob - Bucarest

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Fotoglob - București

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Fotoglob Electric - Iași

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Fotoglob Electric - Iași, Slănic

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Fotoglob Electric - Ploiești

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Fotoglob Institut Modern Fotografic - București

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Fotograf - Iași

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Fotograf - Jassy

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Fotografia - Jassy

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Fotografia Artistică - Bucuresci

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Fotografia High Life Parisian - Galați

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Fotografia High-Life - București

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Fotografia Națională - Tulcea

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Fotografia Ziarului Universul - Bucuresci

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Fotografia „Camelia” - Ploești

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Fotografia „Romeo și Julietta”

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Fotto Dumitriu - București

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Gagel Jean - Bucuresci

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Garame I. - Slatina

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Gavrilescu I. - București

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Gașparovici A.

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Georgeacopol Eugen G.

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Georgescu Eftimie I. - M. Ciolanu Buzeu

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Georgescu M.

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Gere István - Sepsiszentgyörgy

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Gere Stefan - Bucuresci

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Gerstl J. - Bucarest

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Glatz Th. - Hermannstadt

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Glatz Th. Erben

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Glatz Theod.

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Glatz Theodor - Hermannstadt

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Goldstein G. - Bacău

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Gross F.

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Gross Victor - Galatz

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Gross Victor Foto Arte - Brăila

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Gross Victor Foto Arte - Galatz

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Gross Victor Foto-Arte - Galați

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Gyula-Fehérvár - Karlsburg, Alba Julia

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Gyula-Fehérvártt - Karlsburg

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Gâlmeanu Apostol

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Haberstumpf Rudolf - Tîrgoviștea

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Hahn Karl

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Haimovici M. - Slatina

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Hanny C. - Bucuresci

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Hanny K. - Bucuresci

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Hanny Karl - Bucuresci

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Harns? Anton - Cernăuți

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Hausner Jenö - Kovaszna

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Haydvogel H. N. - Curtea de Argeș

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Heck Nestor - Jassy

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Heck Nestor - Jasși

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Heck Nestor - Jași

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Hedu G. - Sibiu

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Heimovitz S. - Pitesci

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Heitler - Craiova

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Heitler Atelier - Craiova

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Heitler D. - Craiova

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Heitler Foto-Glob - Craiova

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Helios - Sibiu

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Helios müterem - Fogaras

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Hellwig Jules - Roman

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Herman G. Foto Spendor - București

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Herscovici & Spack - Tg. Neamț

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Herscovici L. - Tg. Neamț

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Herter J[ulie]. - Bucarest

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Herter Julie - Hermannstadt

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Herter S. - Kronstadt

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Herter Sam.

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Herter Samuel - Kronstadt

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Herter Wilhelm - Kronstadt

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Hess Fridolin - Temesvar

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Hess Fridolin - Temesvar & Werschetz

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Hild F. - Galatz

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Hirsch L.A.

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Hirsch L.A. - Ploesci

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Hirsch L.A. - Ploeșt

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Hitrov Toma S.

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Hitrow T. S. - Ploesti

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Hollywood-Film - București

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Hollywood-Studio - Iași

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Holstein B. - Constanța

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Horn Andreas - Pitesti

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Horvath I. - Hațeg

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Hristov R. Foto Arta - Silistra

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Hutterer G. - Orsova

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Hygiene Cooperative Photographers Division - Constanța

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Häusler [Nándor] Atelier - Bistritz

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Hübner Elena - Brașov

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Hübner Ilus - Brassó

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Iacubian M. - București

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Iacubian M. Foto

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Iacubian M. Foto-Bucegi - București

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Iakovitz S. - Caracal

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Ignat St. - București

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Ignat St. Reporter fotograf ziarul „Universul” - București

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Ihalsky - Sinaia

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Ihalsky A. - Sinaia

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Ihalsky [A.] - Sinaia

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Ilie Dumitru N. - Turnu Măgurele

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Iliescu M.

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Incze - Sepsiszentgyörgy

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Institutul Fotografic - Bucuresci

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Institutul Fotografic - Turn-Severin

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Ioan Petraki - Târgoviște

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Ioanid N. - Constanța

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Ioanid N. Foto Arta - Constanța

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Iohan Foto - București

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Ionescu G. Foto Cercul Militar - București

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Ionescu Gh. Foto Reportaj - București

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Ionescu Gh.&Dode St. Fotoreportaj Ziarul Ordinea - București

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Ionescu I. Fotografia Română - București

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Ionescu Petre dr. - București

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Iosif K. succesor - București

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Jacovitz S. - Craiova

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Jechalschi A. - Sinaia

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Jekelius Marietta - Brașov

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Julie M. - Galatz

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Jérôme J.

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Studio Julietta - Bucharest

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Kestler Josef Fotografia - Ploești

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Kestler Joseph Photographia - Ploesci

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Koller Carl - Hermannstadt

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Korn S.

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Korn S. - Bucarest

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Korn S. - Bucuresci

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Krauss A. - Craiova

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Krauss A. Foto - Craiova

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Krauss Albert

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König Gebrüder

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Lonyai St. - Brăila

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Magrin A. - Constanța

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Magrin Anatole - Constanța

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Magrin Anatole - Kustendje

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Maier & Gerstl - Bucuresci

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Maksay G. - Galatz

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Maksay G. - Galați

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Maksay George - Galatz

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Mandy - Bucuresci

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Mandy - Bucuresti

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Mandy F. - Bucuresci

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Mandy Franz - Bucarest

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Mandy Franz - Bucuresci

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Mandy Franz - București

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Marie Aida - Focșani

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Medl A. L. - Turn Severin

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Medl L. - Turn Severin

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Meinhardt Aug. - Hermanstadt

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Meinhardt August - Hermanstadt

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Mihai Oroveanu

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Mihail G. Ioan - T. Măgurele

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Mitzici A.

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Niculescu J. - Bucuresci

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Norland N. I. - Bucharest

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Oița Florentin

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Oppelt W. - Bucuresci

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Oroveanu Mihai

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P. I. - Focșani

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PHOTO-PRESSE - Bucharest

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Packer Siegmund

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Packer Siegmund - Iași

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Packer Siegmund - Iași, Slănic

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Pandelescu M.

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Pesky E.

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Pesky E. - Bucuresci

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Petit Alex.

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Petrescu Stelian

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Photografia Artistică - Crajowa

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Photographia Artistică - Crajova

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Photographie - Karansebeș

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Photographisches Atelier - Czernowitz

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Podeanu I.

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Podeanu I. FOTO

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Pr. Etelka Bolky - Galați

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Reportaj Photo - București

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Roșu & Häusler [Nándor] - Bistritz

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Schwarz Al. - Bucharest

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Schwarz M. - Bucarest

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Schwarz M. - Bucuresci

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Schwarz S.

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Schwarz S. - Bucarest

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Segal B. - Bucuresci

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Serviciul Fotografic - București

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Slănic Moldova

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Spirescu - Bucarest

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Spirescu I. - Bucuresci

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Spirescu M. - Galatz

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Spirescu M.- Galatz

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Spirescu M.- Galați

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Stabilimentul Fotografic - Bucuresci

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Swiatoniowski - Jassy

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Száthmary Carol Pop de

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Szőllősy - Bucuresci

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Szőllősy Marie - Bucuresci

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Török Joseph - Bucuresci

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Waber A. Gustav - Bucuresci

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Waber G.

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Waber G. - Bucuresci

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Waber Gustav - Bucuresci

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Weiss W.

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Weiss W. - Bucharest

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