Title: KEMILEFF_BAZARGIC_00001-v-en Reference code: KEMILEFF_BAZARGIC_00001Title: Palatul Balcic/ [Balcic Palace]Photographer: Kemilef T. Foto Royal - BazargicDate: c. 1929-1931Physical description: illustrated postcardDimensions: 8,9 x 13,8 cmNotes: Ed. N. T. DobrițaConservation status: Technique: Location: Balcik, BulgariaComments: Illustrated postcard circulated in 1931.Digitization: Serioja Bocsok, Larisa SitarKeywords: exterior, shore, Black Sea, castle, garden, vegetation, soldiersRelated images: Legal rights: Collection of Mihai and Anca Oroveanu